Consultant for project development and proposal writing


In November 2022, CIRRMA has submitted a concept note to answer European Union's DEAR call for proposals as the lead applicant. A group of Réseaux Régionaux Multi-Acteurs (RRMAs – MultiStakeholder Regional Networks), from five French Regions, acting under the umbrella of their interregional agency, the Conférence Interrégionale des RRMA (CIRRMA – RRMAs' Interregional Conference), have built a partnership with 2 European NGOs and 4 CSOs from partner countries to promote peace and democratic values within a minimum of 8 European Union (EU) Member States and 6 partner countries and territories.

The programme they wish to implement together intends to connect, empower and engage young women and men in the EU and beyond. The aim is to offer them opportunities: i) to share their vision of peace and democracy, ii) to meet with peers from other cultural backgrounds, iii) to learn from each other about how to face or deal with different crises, iv) to engage in awareness raising and advocacy activities.

If the concept note were selected in January 2023, CIRRMA and the 11 other consortium members will develop a full project proposal by March 2023.

Purpose of the consultancy :

The consultant will be responsible for developing a proposal which reflects EU development education strategy, through assessing the objectives and activities proposed by the consortium members and ensuring they fall into the DEAR programme's priorities. The consultant will take the lead, in conjunction with CIRRMA Executive Director, to develop a compelling, evidence-based proposal for the activities. The consultant will bring to the programme design process a thorough understanding of and prior experience in bid-writing for institutional donors. Preferably, the consultant will have prior experience working with the European Commission and in development education programmes. The consultant will develop, in consultation with CIRRMA Executive Director, a detailed work plan that will include undertaking at least the following tasks :

  • Review secondary literature on development education and relevant EU policies (gender,
    youth…) as well as existing initiatives implemented by other stakeholders under the DEAR
  • Review the call for proposals' guidelines and the concept note submitted by CIRRMA;
  • Reach out to key persons from each consortium member organisation to discuss their added value in the context of this call for proposals, help identifying their priorities as well as the staffing needs/organigramme for the proposed programme;
  • Propose relevant ideas/topics which serve the consortium's and members' needs and which simultaneously satisfy DEAR programme's objectives;
  • Write a draft of the comprehensive bid, including all annexes and especially logframe and

Qualification and experience :

  • Preferably an advanced university degree (masters or equivalent) in international
    affairs/studies or development;
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in the design, proposal writing, and/or management of
    development education programmes;
  • Strong programme design skills, including capacity to prepare logical, coherent, and consistent documents including logframes and budgets;
  • Prior demonstrated experience developing proposals for the European Commission;
  • Ability to work efficiently and effectively with consortium members in various locations and from multiple organisations, including remotely writing and revising proposal documents;
  • Ability to integrate different experiences, methodologies, and approaches from a diverse
    range of stakeholders and organisations;
  • Excellent English and French speaking/writing skills required

Timeframe :

  • start date : january 2023
  • end date : march 2023
  • estimated number of dates : 15 to 20

To apply :

Interested firms/individuals should send the following requested documents to :

before January 8th, 2023 :

  • Cover letter detailing the firm/individual's suitability for the assignment and current contact information;
  • Detailed proposal including technical (including work plan to carry out the consultancy) and financial information and detailed profiles/CVs of key person(s) to be involved at any stage of the consultancy.

Candidates should indicate “Proposal Writing Consultant” in the subject line. Candidates will be contacted shortly after the application deadline, with a start date to be set in January 2023, depending on EU feedback upon the concept note.

More information in the attached document.

Pays de la Loire Coopération Internationale

Pays de la Loire Coopération Internationale est le réseau régional multi-acteurs des Pays de la Loire. Il soutient les acteurs de la coopération internationale en Pays de la Loire au service d’actions de coopération internationale plus efficaces et plus pérennes. Il favorise l’ouverture à l’international des habitants des Pays de la Loire.

Informations pratiques

Siège social : 83 rue du Mail 49100 ANGERS

Email :

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Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires Étrangères
Agence Française de Développement
Région Pays de La Loire
Agence de l'Eau Loire-Bretagne
Programme Solidarité-Eau
Agence Micro-Projets
Fond de Coopération de la Jeunesse et de l'Éducation Populaire
France Volontaires
Fonds pour le développement de la vie associative
Service Civique
Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale et de la Jeunesse
Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation
Angers Loire Métropole
Conférence Interrégionale des RRMA